Sunday, June 22, 2008

tickle fight! rotflmao

what am i going to do with these boys of mine? they are absolute best friends. and contrary to what you might expect, bram will do whatever asher wants, and asher will end up getting bram into a lot of trouble in the years to come. not that bram will mind, of course. he's a total push-over when it comes to his little brother. which leads to the story of this video...

they were playing tank engines (they're both obsessed with thomas), and then somehow, for some reason, asher pushed bram over - literally, knocked him down onto the floor! - climbed on top of him, and began to tickle his big brother. and the more bram laughed, the more asher tickled. that's how they are, all the time. asher's the clown, and bram is the all-too-willing audience, which then, in turn, encourages asher to continue his antics until bram is well nigh peeing himself!

pray for us. lol

ps - forgive the quality of the film. mom and i were both having a hard time figuring out how to use the video feature on her camera, but at least you get the idea. truly, this is what they're like all the time, these boys of mine.


Tanna said...

And don't forget! You are a lucky Mom!

amanda said...

too cute :)