Wednesday, August 20, 2008

well, it was a long, tiring day...


everything went really well today. asher's echo was very good... his arch, which is severely stenotic (narrow narrow narrow), is unobstructed, meaning blood is flowing nicely through it. phew! this is great news, because the arch was dr hamilton's main concern the other week when he saw asher in emerg, so this is great.

there was no mention of the fontan, the word "reconstruction" was never spoken, and dr russell was very happy with how asher looks. she said that she still wants to see us in october, but that's mostly because she doesn't want asher to fall through the cracks before getting "well established" with his new cardio in london (i laughed and said, "oh, don't worry about that, asher won't let that happen!"). but she also said that if i think asher is doing well for the couple weeks leading up to the appointment, i can call her and we'll cancel or postpone the appointment.

i can't tell you what a relief it is to finally get good news from cardiology! yay!!!!!!!


Wendy said...

WONDERFUL WONDERFUL news!!! I was thinking about you guys all day and I am THRILLED for you and Asher about this great news!!! You must have practically skipped out of there! How wonderful!


Tanna said...

LOL... I told Yale Asher is doing really good today and he gave me his usual big smile! LOL...
If ever you deserved a high five it would be now....cheesy I know.... but great to hear!

Anonymous said...

You must be so relieved.
I am so happy that you got good news, and super!! no mention of surgeries yet....
Go ASHER GO!!!!!


AnnMarie Brown said...


makes my day!

Sherri said...
